May 28, 2018: Bubbling with Enthusiasm
The start of summer has everyone bubbling over with energy. Learning to play and playing to learn with bubbles is fun for all ages.
Activity 1: Best Homemade Bubbles
Supplies Needed:
Two containers for the bubbles
1/2 cup of Dawn Dish Liquid
12-15 drops of glycerin
(Look for it with first-aid supplies or cake decorating)
1 cup of sugar
Bubble Mixture 1
1/4 cup of Dawn
12-15 drops of glycerin
2 cups of water
Bubble Mixture 2
1/4 cup of Dawn
1 cup of sugar
3/2 cup of water
Let the mixtures rest overnight.
Test different formulas.
Which is best?
First we need to decide what we mean by best.
Which makes the
biggest bubble?
Which makes the longest lasting bubble?
Which is
easiest to make?
Does one mixture clearly beat the other in all
measures of best?
What creates bubbles?
What makes them break?
Can you create an even better recipe by adjust the ingredients?
Activity 2: Biggest Bubble Prints
Supplies needed:
Straws (at least one for each participant)
Black garbage bag(s)
Table top
Bubble mixtures
Measuring tool (optional)
Split the black garbage bag(s) open and tape to cover a table.
Pour some of the bubble liquid over the table.
To test which
makes bigger bubbles, you may want to try the activity twice or
section the table to have one mixture of one side and the other
mixture on the other side.
With a straw angled slightly, blow
slightly through the straw.
Investigate how to place the straw,
how hard to blow, and how best to take breathes to make big
What happens when they burst?
Approximate or measure the
diameter of the bubble prints.
Try to make a bigger one.
your strategies.
I often use a folding table outside for this activity and invite
friends to join in the fun. I usually set up in the shade if
possible to help the bubbles and the children last longer. I'm
amazed how long the kids stay with the activity sometimes.
Several children can blow bubbles around a table without
interfering with one another.
Activity 3: Bubble Makers
Design your own wand from pipe cleaners (pictured to the right) or
find other stuff to blow
bubbles. For example, a piece of paper rolled into a cone, a
straw, a spoon with holes, empty berry containers, pipe cleaners
or your hands.
How long to the bubbles last?
What do you notice?
What kind of "wand" makes the best bubbles?